An alternative to author units, is to pair books with units from the reading curriculum your school district uses. Like I said in my "Book Unit Yumminess" post, I like doing this because I can use the same books over and over again year after year. My district uses the MacMillian McGraw Hill Treasures Series for Kindergarten through fifth grade and Pearson Prentice Hall Literature for sixth grade. So far, I have only done this with third through sixth grade. I print off the pacing guide for the year so I know approximately what stories are going to be taught throughout the year and I can pair my books accordingly.
Each unit starts with a central theme and question. I use either the title of the unit or that theme/question to come up with a paired book. If you don't want to take the time to come up with your own books, you can just borrow my pairing list. I have the unit theme, question, books in that unit, and my speech book listed for each grade. I will be periodically posting these book's lesson plans between author units anyway, so it might be nice to know where I use them.
Third Grade:
Get your copy here!
Fourth Grade:
Get your copy here!
Fifth Grade:
Get your copy here!
Sixth Grade:
Get your copy here!

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