
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why we are here...

Hi all,

After spending hours on other SLPs' blogs, and stealing their AMAZING ideas, I have decided to share a few of my own.  Not that my ideas are amazing, but I know people are always looking for things to do in speech... so here goes.  One of the main ways I do therapy is through children's picture books.  You can do pretty much anything with a book.  The old stand-byes are always main idea, story retell, and predicting; but you can also use different books to teach specific skills like inference, transition words, vocabulary development through context clues, and even following directions.  My first graduate intern was fantastic and helped me develop tons of book units.  She is now a fellow SLP and just so happens to work in the same district as me.  I asked her to help me with this blog and she has graciously shared her blog domain with me, so this blog will be from both of us.  It will mainly be about book units but we could always surprise you with other random speech activities. Please let us know what you like or what books you are interested in us developing and we will see what we can do.


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