
Monday, March 19, 2012

Animalia by Graeme Base

Animalia is Graeme Base's response to an ABC book (except it is definitely not written for a preschooler).  I don't remember if I have already said this or not, but Graeme Base is an amazing wordsmith.  He uses the English language like no one I have ever seen.  Just take a look at the "V" page.  His vocabulary is vast and voluptuous. ;)

 Some activities to do with this book:

1) Word Wall: Have your students pick out words they do not understand and create a word wall with them.  Give each kid a letter and have them create definitions (either by using context clues or looking them up in the dictionary) for the words they found by filling out a definition sheet.  Add them to your word wall. 

Get your Definition Sheet here!

2) Alliteration: Every page is full of alliteration based on what letter it is talking about.  Teach what alliteration is (the repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words or phrases).  Use the alphabet to play an alliteration game using the phrase, "I took my friend to (place) with a (noun) and (verb)."  For example, "I took my friend to Seattle with a snail and sweated."

3) App: Graeme Base created an Animalia app with several fun activities you can play with your iPhone or iPad.  It is $3.99 and has four different activities to choose from.  I took screen shots from the app store you you could see them. 

Get your App here!

4) Recipe: As I said before, I believe the "V" page has the best string of vocabulary words in the book.  In honor of that page, I thought a play on a bird's nest would be a fun cooking activity for the kids.  I call them vulture's nests.  If you are doing this book around Easter, you can find some great candy shaped like eggs to put in the nests.  

Get your Recipe and Permission Slip here!


1 comment:

  1. I also love this book. I used your definition sheet and loved it! We built our vocabulary and sentence structure, and we had a fabulous time decorating the door to the speech room with our completed definition sheets. Thank you for a great suggestion and materials!!!
